Monday, March 4, 2013

The secret of a fruitful life...

We did well to hear the invitation by Jesus, “Come to me.” Sick and tired of being sick and tired, we ran to the Good News of forgiveness, love, peace and joy. In a few years, we found ourselves wondering what happened to our passion and our joy. Jesus did not abandon us; we abandoned him. Satisfied with our “fix”, we wandered off. We did not hear the commands of Jesus, particularly the command, “Abide with me.” Every relationship has its expectations; it is no different with our relationship with Jesus. It is not enough to come to Jesus; we have to stay with him. As every relationship is feed by constant communication, so our relationship with Jesus is nurtured by our ongoing conversation with him about our life. Jesus is waiting for us to come back, to sit with him, to listen to his words and to be his presence in this hurting world. – Ron Friesen

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