Saturday, March 9, 2013

The divinely-purposed life...

Did you know your life has a divine purpose? When St. Paul testified before King Agrippa about his life, he declared that when he was encountered by God, God said to him, “I have a purpose for you to fulfill (and) this is to make you a minister and a witness” (Acts 16:16). Now many followers of Jesus will say, “Well, I am called to be a businessman or a teacher or a farmer or a nurse or a homemaker.” This is not your divine calling; this is your field where you are to fulfill your divine purpose. Your divine purpose is to let your life be the sweet fragrance of Christ in a dying world which brings life and hope (2 Corinthian 2:15-17).  – Ron Friesen


  1. Ron,
    I have a problem with this witnessing thing - I have a friend who is one of those "far right evangelicals" (The American Taliban)who actually starts talking Jesus at Hooters - well if you are all that damned right with the Lord - why are you in Hooters drinking beer and admiring Sabrena's ass?. I have these strange people accoust me in the grocery parking lot thrusting pamplets at me.
    We have Freedom of Religion in America and that is good - But, we also need some Freedom from Religion.

    Ron, there is nothing I fear more than a theocracy in America.

    Update on Sarge: the cancer is small and localized and I am seeing a radiologist 3/18 about having it nuked.

    Oh, I am watching that Bible series and I am seeking me a church - I am not the Godless heathen you might imagine.

    Now, Dad did get pissed at those women from Johoval Witnesses waking them up ever Saturday morning and he did greet them at the door in his skivies - Dad later said that he wished that he had a piss hard on at the time....

    Best always,


  2. Sarge, Glad your cancer is treatable. Notice when I talked about being a "witness" I was not suggesting what you were suggesting. I was saying that a person's life through actions of kindness can be a witness. Ron
