Sunday, March 27, 2016

Holy Week 2016 - Easter Sunday

 “You are healed!
Go home and take care of yourself.”
What good news!

“You are healed!
You are a new person.”
You are Good News!

“You are at peace!
You are no longer at war.”
You are a Peace maker!

“You are forgiven!
You are no longer guilty.”
You are a forgiver!

You are a friend!
You are not longer an enemy.”
You are friend of enemies.

“You are loved,
You are no longer unlovable.”
You are a lover of the unlovable!

Ronald Friesen © 2016

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Holy Week 2016 - Saturday

In the journey from brokenness to healing
We find healing in the One broken
For the us, the broken ones.

The Broken One shows us a path
How healed brokenness is a journey
Of healing to others broken.

Healed through the Broken One
Broken ones become broken healers
To other broken ones.

Ronald Friesen © 2016

Friday, March 25, 2016

Holy Week 2016 - Friday

 “You are stupid!’
“Who do you think you are?
“You are a dumbass.”

Insults, recriminations,
Slurs, racial epitaphs,
Ridicule, disrespect.

Does anyone understand?
Does anyone care?
Does anyone defend?

Any One does care
Any One who has suffered
Any One who been insulted.

Any One broken by insult
Any One broken by jests
Any One broken by jeers.

“By His wounds you are healed.”

Ronald Friesen © 2016