Thursday, July 11, 2013

Peace and security in my lifetime...

The search for peace and security is an unending quest of the human spirit.  We will look for every sign of security we seek. Yet sometimes we ignore the warning signs that our security is in jeopardy.  Isaiah observes that even after a serious warning of impending doom, King Hezekiah, set aside the warnings: “For he thought, ‘There will be peace and security in my lifetime.’” (Isaiah 39:8).

Hezekiah is not alone in his dismissal of the warning signs. Many people think they are immune to changing times that will upset and disrupt their lives: “Not in my lifetime!” Hezekiah took his eyes off the One who raised him up from the sick bed and trusted human programs and means to maintain his current lifestyle. Do not trust your desire for security to overlook the warning signs around you of any calamity. Trust God who will be your security. – Ron Friesen


  1. Yes Ron only as we each are of different upbringings how we face the challenges will differ. I may not be up on the latest trends I do recognize what I need to further my life's goals.

  2. Thank you, Anon. I hope you attain each of your goals.
