Is this all there is: a few trips around the sun, then
death? Or is there life after death? This question has been asked from the
beginning. One of the contributions of the Hebrew faith to the discussion is
the belief that there will be a time of resurrection into an eternal existence.
Some people think that the idea of a resurrection grew out of the Christian
faith. In fact, in Jesus’ day, there was a lively debate going on among his
hearers about the teaching on the resurrection as found in their scriptures.
One of the texts that would have supported the pro-resurrection camp was this
one from the prophet Isaiah:
“But your dead will live, Lord; their bodies will rise —
those who dwell in the dust wake up and shout for joy — your dew is like the
dew of the morning; the earth will give birth to her dead.” (Isaiah 26:19)
Today for modern day followers of Jesus, these ancient words
are words of hope: there is an eternal existence. Death does not have the final
word! We will rise again and shout for joy! Ron Friesen