Monday, January 14, 2013

Amateur Providences

Amateur Providences

What do you do when you see someone struggling? You see their tears and suffering: your heart goes out to them. You want to jump and rescue them from their pain. When we interfere with someone’s life we are often interfering with God’s plan for them. As an amateur providence, we are saying, “God, this is too hard for my daughter!” We put our hands up in the face of God’s permissive will, and God says to us, “What is this to you?” Sometimes God does give temporary relief, only to come back and continue to form his character in our loved one. The moment we step back from playing amateur providences we know the reality of “Let go and Let God” and can shout with the angels, “Go, God!” – Ron Friesen


  1. Big difference between helping someone find a solution for their struggle and doing it for them. Unfortunately there is far too much doing it for them and not enough supporting them on their own path.

    1. Right on, Sherry. Thank you for reading. Hope you are having a blessed day. Ron
