Thursday, April 25, 2013

Do you feel abandoned?

Have you felt misunderstood to the point of feeling abandoned by everyone around you? This is a common experience of the followers of Jesus. Even those who once seemed to be our strongest supports seem to leave us to stand alone. It is at this moment we learn the truth of the words of St. Paul: “…no one stood with me, but all left me….But the Lord stood with me and strengthened me…” (2 Timothy 4:16-17). You can focus on the first “but” – the “but” of human understanding – “I am all alone” or you can focus on the second, “but”. When we realize the power of the Lord’s “but”; we will realize that this presence is much more faithful and enduring than human applause or human encouragement. – Ron Friesen


  1. Thank you for writing this. I've experienced the faithfulness of the Lord with me always.

  2. Olatunde, You are welcome. Isn't the faithfulness of the Lord gracious and beautiful? May your day be blessed. !on
