Saturday, January 5, 2013

Living a Supernatural life

Living a Supernatural life
Beware of a life that can be explained by natural means. There are many kind, loving, generous, gentle, hard-working, and intelligent people. Many followers of Jesus exhibit these qualities without any particular connection to the Christ living in them. It is a sad reality to watch these followers of Jesus live out these natural virtues that have no power of God in them. The empowered follower knows that even these positive, natural tendencies must be brought to the foot of the cross and traded for the new life of Christ. Christ in us creates a life that can only be explained by the supernatural life of Christ in us. – Ron Friesen


  1. As I remember many in church are quiet speaking people and the ones making the most noise are in my view looking for attention! So as Sunday is near look not at those making a fuss but the silent man/woman in prayer! Ask if you may join HIM or HER in lifting a request to God for peace in this New Year!

  2. Don, Thanks for reading. Will do. Our world desperately needs peace. Ron
