Sunday, May 5, 2013

What is Christian ministry?

Much of Christian ministry has a commercialized tinge about it. We are apt to think only of the numbers who have “prayed the prayer” or who have made some outward profession of faith. We misunderstand what ministry is; it is not about saving souls. It is about making disciples of those whose lives have been transformed by God’s grace.  Discipleship builds on the work of God. The work of discipleship means that we will often not have large numbers to account for. It is easy to get a crowd; it is hard work to develop a man or woman after God’s heart. – Ron Friesen


  1. Ron, you are spot on with this post.
    Hope Spring in the Desert was grand.

  2. Cap, Thank you for the affirmation. Our spring was beautiful this year. The winter/spring rains produced a bountiful harvest of flowers. Ron
