Tuesday, May 21, 2013

What evil lurks in our hearts?

The writers of the Bible do not sugarcoat the depths of human desperation. In this passage the writer of Lamentations describes this scene:

“With their own hands compassionate women
 have cooked their own children, who became their food
when my people were destroyed.” (Lamentations 4:10)

The writer is not condoning cannibalism; he is only describing the utter lengths people will go to survive. Before we rush to judgment, we need to look at our own inner darkness and reflect on our own potential for evil. Do not too quickly say, “Oh, I could never cook my child for food.” Remember the writer is describing the actions of people of whom God has said, “You will be my people and I will be your God” (Jeremiah 30:22). What evil lurks in any of our hearts? – Ron Friesen

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