Sunday, January 29, 2012

Newt has a problem with Saul Alinsky - I think Mother Teresa would have a problem with Newt

In 1969, Saul Alinsky received the Pacem in Terris Peace and Freedom Award, given annually by a coalition of Catholic groups in the Midwest to commemorate an encyclical about human rights and alternatives to war written by Pope John XXIII. Most honorees have been ardent reformers of one faith or another: Martin Luther King, Jr., Desmond Tutu, Cesar Chavez, Daniel Berrigan, and Jim Wallis are on the list—as is Lech Walesa.

Newt Gingrich would, no doubt, point to some of those names as proof of how the Left can seduce innocent devotees of his new-found faith. But he might find it difficult to criticize the woman who received the award seven years after Saul Alinsky: a community organizer from Calcutta named Mother Teresa.


  1. Preacher-san,
    Where have you been? Ron, Noot and the far right have no concern for the poor nor the sick and would call even Jesus a liberal. They take from the poor and reward the rich and speak Jesus's name while doing so.

    Karl Rowe hijacked Jesus for GW - and the Republicans added religion and hypocrisy to their play book.



  2. Sarge, Good insight - yes, Rowe reeled in the Bible-believers for W and then yucked about it for 8 years.

  3. Jesus WAS a liberal. A radical, even.

    I cannot think of two ideologies more diametrically opposed to each other than American-style 'conservatism' and the teachings of 'Christ.'

    Strange days we live in, yes?
