Friday, February 1, 2013

Never be surprised....

Never be surprised…

Are you ever surprised at what God is doing? Do you find yourself asking yourself, “I wonder what God will do next?” If you are willing to take the risk to follow God, you will find that God will lead you to the place where you are no longer surprised by what you see God do. The challenge is that many of us are like the disciples of whom Jesus said, “O, men of little faith.” Our constant worry about our daily lives proves that we really do not believe God. If we really believed God who works miracles, we would never be surprised. – Ron Friesen


  1. What surprises me is looking back and seeing how God had me in his grip before I came to realize He was in control of my life. He has seen me through addiction, violence and on the verge of death. I'm no better than no one, just saying that thank God for allowing me to hear His voice finally.

  2. Aaron, Is't the grace of God beautiful. I share your gratitude. Ron
