Monday, February 11, 2013

God is...

God is…

The Good News the church offers today is of a God who kind and gentle, certainly not a sovereign God who rules the affairs of human history. God is a tender God but not a judge. We like our God kind but not holy, more lovely than good. We want a God of the children. We want a God of love and sweetness. If we want a God who reigns over history and time we want a grandmotherly Queen Mother not a monarch who slays the demons of our hearts. We have not learned that God’s reign is built by the fiery holiness that dies on a Cross. If we are to admit to such a rule, we must bow our knees in humility marked by our own brokenness. We will discover the grace of the One who conquers our will perfectly rules the world by his Will. – Ron Friesen

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ron, here is a link you may like. Check it out and tell me what you think.
