Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Some thoughts on the state of the Church in America

The Christianity of present-day American evangelicalism has none of the rugged reality of the New Testament about it. There is nothing about it that needs the death of Jesus Christ about it. All that is required is a loud worship band, a coffee bar serving lattes and a service that last less than 59 minutes. This type of experience is not supernatural nor miraculous. It does not cost the sufferings of God, nor it stained with “the blood of the Lamb” (Revelation 12:11). It is not marked or sealed by the Holy Spirit as being genuine, and it has no visual sign that causes people to exclaim with awe and wonder, “This is the work of God!” Yet the New Testament is about the work of God and nothing else.

1 comment:

  1. I wrote this reflection based off a writing by Oswald Chambers for November 29 in his book, My Utmost for His Highest. He was critiquing the holiness movement of his time.
