Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Domesticating Men?

There is a common perception in our Christian western culture that the Christian faith is to have a 'domesticating' effect on men. It is supposed to tame them.

I read this comment this weekend by Gordon Dalbey,

"the man of God cannot be domesticated." (Healing the Masculine Soul, p. 195)

I don't think that Dalbey is saying that men shouldn't help around the house. What he is saying it that men who take following God seriously will

storm city hall for justice,

repair the cars of single mothers,

shout prayers of deliverance from the violence on our streets,

join the boards of domestic shelters who rescue women from violence,

boldly lay hands on sick people in hospitals,

march against johns and pimps who walk our streets,

The Jesus I follow wasn't a wimp. He was a bold man calls men to do bold things for the sake of the Kingdom.

Christian communities who call men  to serious radical discipleship will have no problem finding men to answer Jesus' call: "Come follow me, I will make you fishers of men."

(c) 2009 Ronald Friesen


  1. I don't know about repairing the car of a single mother, but mowing the lawn is more up my alley. I have viewed myself be the kind of man that sits around the house all day and doesn't lift a finger. Put me to work.

  2. Good stuff, preacher-san,

    I help out - cleaned a single mom's flooded basement, jumped cars for Hooter girls, and am active with a crime watch effort.


  3. Mr. Pinley, I am sure that Kit D has a project to two for you :)

  4. Ron - Excellent points. I remember reading about the domesticating Christian ties. Maybe it was on one of your old blogs, maybe elsewhere.

  5. Skinny, Probably on one of my blogs :)
