Have you ever been really angry? No, I mean really angry.
So angry that you wanted to see babies thrown on rocks and their bodies
Well, not sure if I have ever been that angry. Been pretty
angry in my lifetime.
Here is the Palmist expressing his anger over being hauled
off to a foreign country and enslaved:
Daughter Babylon, doomed to destruction, happy is the
one who repays you according to what you have done to us.
Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes
them against the rocks. – Psalm 137:8-9
Why would the Bible record this kind of raw, human anger?
Is God saying it is okay to drop newborns onto rocks?
The Bible never sanitizes the raw reality of human
emotion. There are days that people do get so angry that they wish terrible
evil on the children of their enemies. “After all beat me up but don’t touch my
children,” we say. It is difficult to express your anger more powerfully than
to say you wish terrible tragedy on someone’s child.
God did not strike the Psalmist dead for expressing his
anger in this most violent manner. God is big enough for your anger. God already
knows how angry you are; just admit it. – Ron Friesen