Saturday, January 10, 2015

I have rights!

If there is one thing that Americans seem to be agreed upon it is this: “I have rights!”
Many followers of Jesus believe that they have rights as a follower of Jesus. If you don’t believe this, go to a popular church and notice how many people send a friend or family member over early to reserve the best seats. “I have the right to the best seats!” they will tell you.
This is contrary to the example and teaching of the Jesus these people claim to follow:
For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45).
Rob Bell tells a story about the early days of Mars Hill Bible Church when it was growing rapidly. Apparently, when people were leaving the church parking lot there was a lot of “unchristian” behavior going on. Bell had to remind the congregation to behave like servants not as people who thought they had the right to be the first one out of the parking lot.
Yes, as followers of Jesus we have a right – the right to give up our rights.
Ronald Friesen © 2015

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