Thursday, April 4, 2013

Are you frantically busy?

Do you see many needs around you? Do you sometimes wonder, “How can I meet all these needs?” There are many needs, there is one call. What followers of Jesus understand is that the need is not the same as the call. If we think the need is the call, we will soon wear out from the burden of the needs around us. Our call is first to be with Jesus. When we are united to Jesus, we find that our hearts are drawn to what he is doing in the world. When we are sensitive to what Jesus is doing and join him; we sometimes we ignore other demands around us. God is calling us to be faithful to him; we are not called to frantic busyness. – Ron Friesen


  1. Preacher-san!
    Seen the oncologist today - What I have is very tiny - May 2nd I am starting radiatiion therapy.

    Do you have no heart attack - Studying the Bible a bit. No, not cause my evil ass might die soon (thankfully, unlikely) - But, this excellent series on the History channel sparked my interest.
    Mom's preacher is more of a evangelist that what I like in a Presbyterian minister - I am used to what is a Mass.
    There is a Presbyterian church (huge) about five minutes away. I may try there. I have actually thought about St Ben's.
    I don't know what I am seeking but, I am seeking.

    Now, lunch was liquid at Hooters...



  2. Ron, Thanks for the update. I see you are studying for the final exam :). Keep searching! Ron
