Sunday, March 25, 2018

So who is Jesus to you?

“Who do YOU think I am? We hear it often and perhaps say it as often.

Jesus asked something similar to those around him. Except Jesus didn’t say, “Who do you THINK I am?”, Jesus said, “Who do you SAY I am?”

There is a difference. It is really uncomfortable being around Jesus because he demands that we say out loud our inner thoughts.

There are going to be a lot of pronouncements about who people say Jesus is in this week we call Holy Week in the Christian Church.

On this Palm Sunday, many will focus on the first story. The message will be about the children and some adults placing palm branches on the street and meek and mild Jesus riding a donkey into Jerusalem. The church might pass out palm branches and turn the service into a processional of some sort. If asked, “Who do you say Jesus is?” these folks will likely answer, “A man of peace who is worthy of praise and adoration.”

Some will go on and talk about the second event of Jesus’ life that day he came into Jerusalem. They will explore the story of Jesus turning over the tables of money changers in the Temple grounds. The righteous anger of Jesus will be pronounced and a declaration of Jesus as a disturber of the status quo will be made. If asked, “Who do you say Jesus is?” these people will likely say, “A man who demands righteousness and justice in the world, especially, among religious people.”

There are many who will only see these two stories as the prelude to the events coming up at the end of the week. Little attention will be paid to the events of “Palm Sunday.” After a brief recounting of “Palm Sunday” story, if it is mentioned at all, these speakers will talk about the Cross and Resurrection. If asked to answer the question, “Who do you say Jesus is?” these people will answer, “Jesus is the Savior of the World.”

What about you and me? How would we answer the question of Jesus, “Who do you SAY that I am?”

Ronald Friesen © 2018

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