“Dear Woman, here is your son!” and “Here is your mother!” –
John 19:26-27
There is a tendency to dehumanize Jesus. We struggle
thinking of Jesus a person like us with feelings, concerns, and thoughts. We
sanitize Jesus so that we do not really have to take him too seriously. We want
to make him more perfect than us so that we do not have to deal with him and
his message. In this, Jesus becomes some distant figure who lives and dies long
ago in a world strange to us. Jesus is represented by a pretty cross around our
neck instead of a robust, masculine man whose life and death condemns us
for our pious religiosity.
Jesus, looking down from his execution, sees two people who
are dearest to him, his mother, Mary, and his beloved disciple, John. He
declares his last will and testament to them: “Mary, here is your son; John,
here is your mother.” John records in his gospel that from that moment Mary
spent the rest of her life with him.
In this Holy Week, see Jesus say to you, “I care about you.
I will give you those who will care for you.” – Ron Friesen
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