Thursday, January 16, 2014

Think God has abandoned you ?

Are there days when God feels more than just far away? It actually feels like God is against you! We all have such days. Despair over despair tumbles over our lives like a great torrent of water going over Niagara Falls. We are drowning in helplessness. We are not alone; over 3,000 years ago the Psalmist cried out,

You have rejected us, God, and burst upon us;
   you have been angry—now restore us! – Psalm 60:1

Notice the Psalmist was not struck dead on the spot for his honesty; nor will we. There is too much empty triumphalism in the American church. Not every day with Jesus is sweeter than the day before, even though the hymn says it is so. God is much more accepting our honest anger than we are of our own. Mad at God? Let God know. – Ron Friesen

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